HR Management

Mastering The Art Of Employee Recognition For Increased Retention

The absence or lack of employee recognition can lead to resignations or give rise to the culture of “job hopping” among employees. Therefore, organizations are looking for strategies for employee recognition. An effective employee recognition program is a low-cost solution that improves employee engagement and boosts retention levels in the organization. It makes the employee feel valued by showing that their work and contribution is recognized by the right quarters. While you can temporarily patch up an employee to stay during the exit interview, it is not an ideal solution. 

The Importance Of Employee Recognition

All employees irrespective of their roles desire to be recognized for their hard work and efforts. The sense of disengagement at work can ebb from various factors and result in high turnover. Workplace operations witness an improvement when the organization acknowledges employee success, be it large scale or small victories. Feedback is another important factor to improve employee performance and channel them towards the right direction. Workers who work on this feedback should be duly recognized as it boosts their productivity and overall morale. 

Employee recognition programs have a positive impact on both internal and external operations. Happy employees are better equipped to serve customers, respond in a timely fashion, and meet other requirements of the job. Fulfilling client relationships result in productive and highly valuable workplaces. It is an important strategy to keep talented members in the organization and avoid attrition. 

Strategies For Improving Employee Retention Through Recognition

  • It is important to remember that employee recognition should be timely. If you appreciate the work of the employee post-resignation then it doesn’t hold any value and can appear flimsy or insincere. Timely and specially curated programs are the best to meet employee expectations.
  • Feedback provides an excellent learning path for development. Constructive criticism when provided correctly, has the power to channel employees in the right direction and catapult their success. Recognize employees who are working to improve their craft by giving them an occasional shoutout.
  • Employees enjoy working in an environment that is conducive to growth and is stress-free. Cultivate engagement among employees by promoting a peer group that recognizes the efforts of colleagues and encourages them to do better. Further this effort by providing redeemable vouchers, e-cards, etc. to employees.
  • Align company values with recognition for maximum impact. It drives employees to follow organizational values, and improve morale. By incentivizing it, employees feel encouraged to work for the improvement of the company.
  • Practice an open communication policy at the workplace that encourages employees to speak to supervisors freely. At times the staff has the best ideas as to what works and can help the management in improving processes. When provided with a platform to express themselves, employees feel valued and stay for the long run.
  • Training programs designed to bring in the best in employees is an excellent method for increasing employee retention. The programs should be challenging, linked to their specific job role, future-proof, and designed to help them succeed. A successful training program demonstrates that the organization is serious about employee growth and transformation.
  • Every company’s approach towards rewards is different. While some organization’s reward staff by monetary means by providing bonuses, or coupons. Others can also include company-wide vacations, flexible work schedules, etc. Whatever be the approach, it is important to remember that every employee should be made to feel treasured and valued in their workspace.
  • Recognizing an employee publicly reinforces to everyone that doing a job well does not go unnoticed and is duly rewarded. It builds a solid company culture but should be deftly handled to mitigate any negative feelings. 


The rising competition in the market for trained workers makes it all the more compelling for companies to retain their best talent. Employee recognition programs should therefore be targeted, well thought-off and uniquely executed. It should be driven to improve performance and productivity, encourage employees, and nudge them for growth. If an employee feels valued, they are guaranteed to stay for a longer duration and contribute happily to the organization’s growth. The HR management should strive to create a program that’s inclusive, timely, and aimed towards employee retention. 

Acknowledging employees every day at the workplace improves their morale and encourages them to keep up their performance levels. This also creates a happy environment that is conducive to growth. Employers that build a strong recognition program yield a multitude of benefits that are highly beneficial in the long run and not just limited to an engaged workforce.