HR Management

Getting the HR attention: How to Make Your Resume Stand Out?

Applying for and getting your dream job can be tedious. A resume is that one effective tool that can help you catch that elusive HR attention and make a mark. If you’re looking to impress your hiring manager, then you need to create a resume and ensure that it stands out from the crowd. 

Hiring managers don’t have a lot of time in their hands to painstaking go through your resume. Therefore, drafting a clear and concise resume that details your qualifications will leave a lasting impression. A good resume moves beyond the basics and communicates your accomplishments and the value you bought to your previous roles.

If you’re looking to make your resume stand out and make a solid impression, then consider following these few tips to make a difference.

  1. Create a customized resume for your industry niche

A resume that has no relevance to the industry you’re applying to will seldom make the cut. Be sure to include qualifications that showcase your achievements in the mentioned sector. Go through the entire job description and see how you can tailor your resume to meet the requirements posed by the recruiter. Doing this will ensure that you land a job that best meets your skill-sets all the while drawing the HR attention to your resume.

  1. Describe accomplishments

Your resume is meant to showcase your accomplishments and achievements and not just state your responsibilities at your previous jobs. Focus on the accomplishments you’ve made in your previous roles like “Bought an increase of 25% sales from the previous quarter”, “Created new sales opportunities with HNI clients”, etc. that personifies the value that you bring to your work. These are solid metrics that boost your credibility and have a greater impact. 

  1. Use a header and summary

Recruiters usually get a lot of resumes that they have to sift through to find the right resource for their job. Using an appropriate header or objective can help recruiters notice your resume among others. The header should ideally include your name, your job title, phone number, email address and location. A summary is a short description that reviews your relevant experience and skills. It explains your goals and the value that you bring to the job.

  1. Ensure that your resume is concise and error-free

While you draft your resume it is important to keep it precise and cut the fluff. Avoid redundancy and only include information that will help you stand out from the crowd. Make sure that the resume is well presented, easy to read, and devoid of any grammatical and spelling errors. Errors in the resume can significantly reduce your chance of getting a callback and potentially destroy your efforts.

  1. Make it presentable

Don’t go too overboard with colours, styles, and fonts. The idea is to make the resume look presentable and visually appealing. Choose an appropriately-sized font, and make sure that the font you use is legible. Opt for an attractive colour scheme that catches attention without going overboard. The design of your resume should be minimal but aesthetically pleasing. Going wild with colours and fonts will fetch you attention, but of the wrong kind!

  1. Incorporate industry keywords

If the job description has some industry-related keywords, then your resume needs to incorporate them to stand out. Many companies use applicant tracking systems that make use of keywords to sift through resumes. So even if you have an exceptional resume, you may miss out simply because you didn’t use the niche keywords. It can be a tedious process but using keywords is a sure-shot way of guaranteeing a way to the interview table. 

Job hunting can both be an exciting as well as an overwhelming experience. 

As a prospective job seeker, a resume is that one important tool that can make you stand out among the sea of competitors and get you that interview call. 

These tips can surely help you in improving your resume and making a long-lasting impression on the hiring manager.