HR Management

Do’s and Dont’s of employee performance management

Conducting periodical performance management reviews is critical for every organization. It increases employee engagement and productivity in the long run. Engaged employees are also known to stay longer at their jobs, be more involved in the workspace, and produce extraordinary results. 

69% of work­ers will work hard­er if they know their work is val­ued and appre­ci­at­ed.

Scientifically drawn performance management strategies help in effective appraisal management at the appropriate time. Having valuable insights and data at hand paint a much more realistic picture of the performance of an employee over a certain period of time. An effective performance management system requires equal commitment from the HR department, management, and the employees. Periodical performance reviews help managers in tracking performance regularly, align them to the organizational goals, and also guide employees in case performance dips. This has a long-term effect on the performance of the organization as a whole unit. 

A proper system that rewards and encourages good performance instills confidence and makes the employee more self-motivated. Performance management is a very tricky issue because, despite repeated attempts to improve the process over the past few decades, it has come under scrutiny for being too hard on the mental health of employees. It should be a two-way process, instead of a top-down process where the bosses get to serve as judges and simply do the evaluation. Arrangements need to be made to involve the employees equally in the process. Continuous performance management means a continued dialogue to ensure the proactive development of employees by meeting their development needs. This is important to assure that employees are not in want of any resources, tools, or guidance and can seamlessly carry out their functions. 

Focusing feedback on an employee’s weaknesses can cause their performance to decline by 27%. 

Therefore, the need to have an impartial process that is encouraging to the employees and motivates them to perform better and not the other way around. Remember that the primary goal in evaluating performance is to improve it. Employees need feedback regularly to know areas of improvement, opportunities to express themselves and develop processes. A sudden and unannounced review system that does not take into account employee perspective can be detrimental in the long run. 

To make the process seamless, and have equal participation from all stakeholders, there are certain Dos and Dont’s to make the process effective.

Let’s find them out:

Do’s for Employees:

  1. Keep data handy of all past achievements and failures. Relevant data at hand is an important tool for a fair assessment. 
  2. Be transparent during the conversation and have an open mind. Remember that this assessment is done not only for the organization but also for individual growth. 
  3. Document your work and show eagerness to improve on problem areas.
  4. Be open to constructive criticism and look for opportunities for improvement. 
  5. Take proper notes on the points discussed and ask/offer solutions. 

Dont’s for Employees:

  1. Do not indulge in a blame game, instead take the opportunity to gracefully voice your opinions and pain-points.
  2. Don’t be overly defensive about your work.
  3. Remember not to stress out about feedback, and instead work on improvement. 

Do’s for Managers:

  1. Set goals that are achievable, align with organizational policies, and discuss them with the employee.
  2. Make the feedback process constructive and present ample scope for the employee to present their views.
  3. Focus on the positive contributions of the employee, and appreciate his commitment to work.
  4. Point out areas of improvement and offer meaningful solutions.
  5. Present your views backed with solid data and research and be as precise as possible. 
  6. Plan the process well as this seriously impacts employee performance and morale in the long run.

Dont’s for Managers:

  1. Remember to keep the process professional and dignified. Do not make personal comments or ask questions that may seem rude or derogatory.
  2. Don’t start a blame game with the employee and instead make them understand your perspective.
  3. Don’t pass judgment without appropriate data and logic. Have full-proof data to back your statements. 

Remember the end goal of the process- improvement of performance and organizational growth. Take the opportunity to create meaningful conversations that motivate employees to perform better and appreciate their efforts. Reward your high-achieving employees that make them feel appreciated and also motivates others to do better. The process can be highly rewarding, and successful if carried out in an effective manner. 

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